On July 7, 2021, 30 year veteran, Detective and FBI Task Force Officer, Greg Ferency, was ambushed and murdered as he exited a federal building in Terre Haute, Indiana.

This was nothing but a senseless, evil act. After Greg’s death, it became very apparent the work he did and the lives he touched were much bigger than anyone realized; he was a good person and a great cop. In an effort to make sense of, and work through, this horrific situation, Greg’s family and friends committed to ensuring his legacy and spirit continue to have impact.

Greg was passionate about his work, especially making sure that his fellow officers were trained and educated to keep themselves and their community safe. He truly cared and dedicated himself to ensure others were taken care of and he was a mentor for many.


Greg was a natural leader. What many of us spend a lot of time, energy and resources to learn how to be leaders, Greg possessed naturally. He was smart, kind, funny, authentic and treated everyone with dignity and respect. Greg loved his family very much, but that didn’t mean he gave up on his job. In fact, he continued to move up the ladder. In 2010, Greg was assigned to be a Task Force Officer with the FBI. He worked out of the Terre Haute satellite office. While there, he was a member of various teams. He was on the Terrorism Task Force at his time of death. As his children began to grow up, he found joy in doing many things with them. He and his daughter, Payton, shared many interests including watching zombie tv shows and going on evening walks in nature. He and Payton were extremely close and his love for criminology seemed to rub off on her as well. Nick, Greg’s son, enjoyed going shooting and they frequently took trips to Dairy Queen.


Please join us in our mission to boldly support our law enforcement community with hope, help and healing and honor the resiliency of humanity in the face of evil acts.

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